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How to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger Blog?

I am going to tell how to disable copy paste in blogger blog. I'm writing this post to help you prevent your content from getting copy paste.
You should Turn off Copy-paste in the blogger blog because there are lots of thieves in your content.

Most of the new blogger doesn't want to write content due to lack of knowledge and other reasons.

So In this post, I am going to share step by step-by-step tutorial on how to disable copy-paste in a blogger blog?

That's why they copy content from other bloggers and rewrite it to make it plagiarism-free. 

That is the reason to prevent copy-paste in the blogger blog.

If your blog is hosted on any hosting like GoDaddy or Bluehost. 

If you are using Wordpress to run your blog then you can find lots of plugins to disable copy-paste in the Wordpress blog.

disable copy paste in blogger
disable copy-paste in blogger

On the other hand, if you are using Blogger to run your blog then there is not any plugin support available to you for restricting copy-paste in your Blogger blog.

Today after reading this post you can easily restrict copy-paste in bloggers. Let me explain why you should disable copy-paste in your blogger blog.

Why you should disable copy-paste in a blogger blog?

If the copy-paste function is enabled in your blogger blog, then Content Thieves will copy & paste your blog post on their blog.

This means that you will see that your content is live on other blogs without your permission. I know that you can complain to Google to get rid of duplicate content.

According to me, this is not practical because why should a blogger spend time on all these frauds? Will he create content for his audience or spend all day complaining.

Even, how much time will he complain against thousands of content thieves to protect his single content?

I don't do duplicate content the way Google indexes. If someone copies my content and pastes it on its blog, Google should avoid duplicate content.

In this case, Google takes no action and steals the content well. Even sometimes Google assigns a higher rank to that duplicate content.

If you don't want the stress of complaining about copied content. Then you easily disable copy-paste in blogger blogs.

How to prevent copy-paste in blogger blogs?

This is very useful information to protect your blog content from thieves. 

If you are running your blog in Blogger and do not want anyone to "copy and paste" your blog content, using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V, this simple tutorial will copy- Will disable the paste.

This is a very simple process, and all you have to do is edit the HTML code of your blog. 

Thus, you can protect your content with the simple copy-paste method used by many litterateurs. So don't let anyone steal your idea within a few clicks

I know that there are many ways to copy text from a website, but this method will at least make it harder for the content thief. So, let us come to the point.

Method 1: Using Javascript to prevent Copy paste in blogger blog

  • Sign in to Blogger account and navigate to the Blogger dashboard
  • Now navigate to the Layout option

prevent Copy paste in blogger
Blogger layout settings
  • Now click on Add a Gadget in the Sidebar or Footer section of the blog layout.
  • After Clicking on Add a gadget Choose the HTML/Javascript widget.
Add HTML/JavaScript Gadget in blogger layout
Add HTML/JavaScript Gadget in the blogger layout

  • After Choosing HTML/Javascript widget Add the following code in the Content section.
JavaScript Code to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger
Javascript Code to Disable Copy Paste in Blogger

  • After Click on Save and after that click on Save Arrangement.
<script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" ) {document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" );document.onmouseup=new Function ("return false"); } </script>

NOTICE: This code will block the copy-paste feature for everything on your blog. If you want to share the code on your blog and have the user copy only that content, you can simply refer to Method 2.

Method 2: Use CSS code to Disable Copy paste in Blogger blog

If you do not want to use JavaScript, here is another effective solution to disable copy-paste in Blogger. You can also use a small piece of CSS code to do similar tasks.
  • Sign in to Blogger account and navigate to the Blogger dashboard
  • Navigate to Theme and then click on Edit HTML

Blogger Theme Editor Settings
 Blogger Theme Editor Settings

  • After that, click on anywhere in the HTML code and press Ctrl+F.
  • After pressing Ctrl+F a search window will open in the HTML code.
  • Type this ]]></b:skin> to find the ending of the CSS code.
CSS Code For blocking Copy paste in Blogger
CSS Code For blocking Copy paste in Blogger

  • Now copy the code shown below and paste it above ]]></b:skin> this code in your blogger theme.
body {
user-select: none !important;
-moz-user-select: -moz-none !important;
-webkit-user-select: none !important;
-ms-user-select: none !important;
.post-body blockquote, .post-body pre, .post-body code {
user-select: text !important;
-webkit-user-select: text !important;
-ms-user-select: text !important;
-moz-user-select: text !important;
  • Now click on the save option to successfully save the code.

NOTICE: The first part of the above CSS code will disable the copying of everything on your blog. The second part will allow the user to copy the text inside the "blockquote, pre and code" HTML tag.

If you share the code on your blog and have the user copy only that content, you can simply copy the entire code above. 

Otherwise, just copy the CSS block named "body {……}" and implement it to protect everything in your blog.

Method 3: Adding Javascript in the Blogger theme to block the copy-paste function

  • Sign in Blogger account and navigate to the Blogger dashboard.
  • Navigate to Theme and then click on Edit HTML.

Blogger Theme Editor Settings
 Blogger Theme Editor Settings

  • After that, click on anywhere in the HTML code and press Ctrl+F.
  • After pressing Ctrl+F a search window will open in the HTML code.
  • Type this <head> to find the start of the head tag.
JavaScript to Prevent copy-paste in blogger
JavaScript to Prevent copy-paste in blogger

  • So, Now copy the code shown below and paste it below <head> this code in your blogger theme.
<script language='JavaScript1.2'> function disableselect(e){ return false } function reEnable(){ return true } //if IE4+ document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;) //if NS6 if (window.sidebar){ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onclick=reEnable } </script>
  • So, now you can click on Save to Save your blogger theme.


It is extremely important to protect your content from thieves. Now after reading this article on how to Disable Copy-paste in Blogger

You have successfully Blocked copy-paste features on your blogger blog.

If anytime you don't want to disable copy-paste features on your blogger blog. 

You can enable those features by just removing the where you paste the code using this tutorial. Your blog copy-paste feature will be re-enabled then.

If you have any problems or have any suggestions. Let me know them in the comments section.

My name is Md Shoyab. I am a YouTuber and Blogger for my passion. I love discussing Technology, Blogging and Video Editing. I want to solve problems in your life by sharing my knowledge with you.


  1. Hi I have something special for you related to lyrics website. please contact me at
    1. Ok i have mailed you reply me there
  2. I disabled copy and paste on the computer. But I can still copy the text on the phone. How do I disable copy paste or right click on android/apple?
    1. Please use the css code method to disable copy paste in blogger and properly follow the instruction to avoid any mistake. Thanks for your feedback.
    2. Hi I have the same problem. I have tried two of those methods and although they work on a computer the blog can still be copied on a phone.
  3. I have a blog with more than one authors and I don't want them to post copied content on the blog. How will I go about that
    1. For preventing copied content on your blog you have to manually check the article before posting it on your blog. You can check duplicate content from
  4. Sharing it. Ty!
    1. Thanks for your feedback and follow our blog for more blogspot tutorials
  5. Thanks it works on my website
    1. I am happy that you have successfully disable copy paste on your blogspot blog
  6. thank you so much...iam new blogger its help me a lot ...
    1. I am happy that my post on disabling copy paste on blogger helped you pls follow for more blogger tutorials.
  7. Dear Sir Help me Actually My Problem Related to Google Adsense Ad no show my Account. Google Mail me You have two AdSense account what can I do contact me sir 9155810426
    My Blog:-
    1. Making more than one google adsence account is against google policies and I advice you to delete extra adsence account before doing search on youtube about your issue.
  8. Its work.
    1. I am happy that it's work for you keep preventing your content from copy cat thieves.
  9. Thanks bro.
  10. sir i have upload pdf file with restriction copy paste to the google drive.Then i use its embedt item link in my post to creat new post but when i publish it the text in pdf is copying by ctrl +v and selecting with mouse and right click
    1. The Method which I told you is only applicable for blogger and maybe not works on embed items.
  11. how to restrict that pdf in my blog post
    1. I don't have any idea about it but you can google it to find a way.
  12. Hello, can u please explain how to disable reader mode on blogger for mobile browsers. The content can be copied after switching to reader mode. :(
    1. Sorry It is an Browser features you can't disable it but After disabling copy paste in my blog the reading mode is not working for my site maybe it also not work for your website. If you disable copy paste. Thanks for asking.
  13. Thankyou so much! It works on but is there a way to do the same to prevent copying of pictures as well? Disable right click and only have left click enabled? Please help.
  14. Thanks bro really appreciate. I have tried in my blogspot and it is working.
    Initially i was searching in internet and tried as you said.

    thanks for your help.

  15. It's work thanks for sharing...
  16. Thank You
  17. how to let them copy any text
  18. thanks for the post about protecting the content in blog ...
  19. Hi ,
    I want also to disable no right click so please let me know the code for no right click . i am waiting for my reply.
  20. i had to use all three methods because the first two didn't work on my ipad. but the third one finally did it. thanks a ton!
  21. Thanks!
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